The Wonders Of Lavender Oil

When you think of essential oils, even if you're new to the game, you'll most likely think of Lavender. That's because it's the most time-tested, well-known and well-loved plant for hundreds of years - over 2,500 years to be exact. 

Most applauded for its calming and sleep aid properties, lavender is no one-trick-pony. You may be surprised just how many different ailments lavender can treat.

Originating from three parts of the world, the Mediterranean, Middle East and India, lavender gets its name from the Latin word 'lavare' meaning 'to wash" as the Romans used it to scent their baths, beds, clothes and hair. A totally different take on Herbal Essence shampoo!

In addition to its clean, floral fragrance lavender oil is also known to promote wellness. It's no wonder Queen Elizabeth required a lavender jam at the royal table and fresh lavender flowers all throughout her palace. 

Lavender was even used as a remedy for the Great Plague in London in the 17th century.  A beautiful, aromatic plant that doesn't mess around. 

If you're not impressed by our friend lavender yet check this out...a study published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology found that lavender oil can be effective in combating antifungal infections, citing that the oils distilled from the Lavandula genus seemed to work by destroying the membranes of the fungal cells.

Some of Lavender’s other known tricks are treating: anxiety, hair loss, cuts, bug bites, high blood pressure, nausea, menstrual pains, eczema, and helping to kill bacteria. Clearly, lavender is a multitasker. 

Our Helias Lavender Oil is steam distilled from fresh lavender flowers of Bulgaria - the world leader in lavender oil production due to its perfect climate for high quality plant growth. The ever-growing lavender industry of Bulgaria has doubled in the last 10 years helping more farmers get needed jobs and assisting with the extreme poverty levels of the country - and for this we’re very thankful. 

So the next time you dab or mist a bit of lavender oil on your pillow to ensure a great night's sleep, give a moment of silence to the plant that really does it all.  

As always, may the zzzzzzz's be with you.

- Cheers,


6 Responses


February 07, 2025



February 07, 2025



February 07, 2025



September 03, 2024



August 29, 2024



December 23, 2022

Wonders of lavender oil is goo information thank is useful.The team at Tastani Foods is solely focused on bringing oils which is real and from nature available to everyone. We have taken up this rather ambitious project of moving every Indian household from the highly processed & packed foods to the real food from nature which our ancestors consumed for thousands of years.

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